Article Writing Software

"Powerful Article Writing Software Churns Out Thousands Of High Quality & Perfectly Unique Content For My Websites & Earns Me $3,939.17 In Just 9 Days!


See Full Proof Below..."




"Brainstorm Ideas, Research & Extract Sentences From An Online Database of Over 300,000 Articles & Also From Millions of Websites Listed In Google..."

* Project #1 *

Click Here
to watch Content Infinity "Create Article" in action!

Brainstorm list of subtopics.
Keyword matching with a database of more than 300,000 articles & Google.
Extract all sentences related to the subtopics you entered or selected.



"Manipulate Content To Fit Your Own Writing
Style Or Use The Built-In Thesaurus Containing 30,194 Synonyms & Over 2 Millions Crossed Related Words."

* Project #2 *

Click Here
to watch Content Infinity "Synonyms" in action!

Restructure sentences to fit your own style. 
Point & Click to substitute words with the same meaning.
Type in directly inside the textbox to add your words.



"Discover Profitable Keywords In Any Niche Imaginable. Reveals Daily Demand For Each Keyword & True Competition From Yahoo,
MSN & Google..."

* Project #3 *

Click Here
to watch Content Infinity "Keyword Research" in action!

Daily search estimates for each keyword.
True Competition from Google, Yahoo & MSN.
Uncover pure keyword gems.



"Discover High Performing Websites Contact Information, In Any Niche, To Help You Get
More Traffic, Links, Affiliates & Sales By
The Bucketload!"

* Project #4 *

Click Here
to watch Content Infinity "Research" in action!

Works with MSN & Google.
Gathers postal address, email, phone number & Alexa rankings.
Up to 200 top ranking websites for any keyword you entered.



"No BS. No Catch. Grab A FREE Demo Of

Content Infinity Right Now & See By Yourself How Powerful This Software Can Be For Your Online Business..."



Minimum Requirements: 

128 RAM, 233 MHZ, 32MB Graphic Card, Sound Card, DirectX 8




From: Jonathan Teng

Tuesday, 1:32 PM


Dear Friend,


Let's be frank right from the start...


Content Infinity isn't right for everyone. So I don't want to waste your time.


If you don't fall into any of these five groups listed below, just press the back button and continue surfing. But if you do...


...then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read!


Group #1: You write articles to promote your business... and you would like to have a solution to increase your productivity and accelerate your article writing speed.


Group #2: You create "Theme-Based Websites", also known as "Virtual Real Estates"... you know how time consuming it is to research information on a topic you know nothing about and how difficult it is to write when you don't have any passion in this field.


Group #3: You hire ghostwriters... and you are searching for a way to increase the number of articles they produce while keeping their fees to a bare minimum.


Group #4: You are using private label articles... your websites get stuck in Google's supplementary results because of duplicate content and you want a quick solution to remediate to that.


Group #5: Your are lazy and your English sucks... you want a software to automate the article writing procedures while making you appear as a super-skilled writer.



"Here Are The Facts..."



My name is Jonathan Teng. I have been marketing online since 2005 and I'm the owner of 37 niche theme based websites like acne treatments, weight loss, dating, credit repair and many more.


Let me ask you a question....


How much time do you spend in creating your own content for your websites?


Or how much do you pay ghostwriters per article? $5? $6? $10?


I have been spending as much as $1,000 per month with ghostwriters and been a member of several Private Label Articles websites for more than a year...


Of course the ghost written articles were of excellent quality but it was costing me a fortune and I needed to find a quick way to get out of it.


I finally got caught in the "PLA Craze" just like most Internet Marketers did and thought it was the real solution to all my problems.


And guess what...


As more and more people became aware of this technique, PLA lost its effectiveness...


My website pages got stuck in the duplicate filter and couldn't get any traffic from the search engines.


I had to spend hundreds of hours spinning these articles so that they can appear unique and also keep hiring ghost writers to do the work for me.


I knew it was getting worse and my business is going to suffer in the long run, you'll see why later...



"If There Is A Will, There Is A Way..."



One day I decided to call my friend Vlad, a 19 years old genius programmer, and asked him if he can help me find a solution to automate some of the tasks I perform in spinning articles...


And while exchanging a few thoughts, he asked me this: "Why not create a software which will write the articles? Or something which is going to help in the research process and reduce the time spent to write something from scratch?"


It was a fantastic idea!


If this works, I will not only spend less time in writing articles but I will also be able to bargain a very low price for ghost writers if they are going to use the software to perform all the writing tasks...


And the work began...



"We Immersed Ourselves For 7 Months..."



We would brainstorm periodically. Then Vlad would squirrel himself away for a few weeks, reworking on the source code and implementing a bunch of new ideas that I gathered during these times...


We'd repeated the whole brainstorm-squirrel-demo process for about 7 months and then finally Content Infinity was born...




The result was amazing... 


I was able to research on any topic imaginable in less than 2 minutes and the software was going to churn out dozens of related sentences from a database of more than 300,000 articles that we uploaded on our server...


I used this software to build an Adsense Empire earning me an average of about $300 - $400 per day on complete autopilot...


Ghostwriters fees were slashed by 50% and productivity increased by 200%. 


There was no doubt about it... Content Infinity became the most precious tool for my online business...



"Your Biggest Mistake..."



Let's face it...


The Net is made up of information (or articles). We all know that Content is King and in order to dominate the search engines, you need to produce more and more quality information for your websites.


The biggest mistake that most Internet Marketers do is to focus only on the 2nd part of the content creation process which is "Writing" and completely omits the "research" part.


Here's how it works...





Now imagine for a moment that the "Research" step is taken out of this process, there are no search engines, no books, no newspapers or videos to research information. 


Do you think you can write a 600 words article on a topic like: "Prehistoric Reptiles Living In The African Continent Three Million Years Ago"?


There are a bunch of software out there which will only help you rewrite the same content over and over again but none of them comes close to what Content Infinity does.


Content Infinity takes care of all the 3 steps in the content creation process. 



"Here's A Quick List Of What
Content Infinity Can Do For You..."

Super-charge your article writing speed by 200%.

Saves you thousands of dollars in ghostwriters fees.

Create perfectly unique content for your VRE websites to earn you money on complete autopilot just like I did.

Create an avalanche of visitors and backlinks to your websites by focusing more on article marketing.

Uncover profitable keywords in any niche imaginable.

Spy on your competitors ranking strategies with the research module. 

Discover potential JV partners or super affiliate websites personal contact information to make you more sales.

Over-deliver your visitors with high quality & well researched on theme content to make them become repeated customers of your products.

Spin different versions of the same article with the enormous built-in thesaurus of more than 2 millions crossed related words.

There's no need to buy PLA. Content Infinity will churn out perfectly unique content on any topic imaginable on the fly.

Research & create mini viral reports, ebooks and other information products in any niches to boost your online income.




"Jonathan, Are You Nuts?!"



You may be asking yourself why I'm releasing my most precious weapon to the public... Or may be you doubt if this software is going to work for you...


I'll tell you the truth...


It's going to be a win-win situation... 


I earn something when you order the software... And you save hundreds of hours in writing articles or even thousands of dollars in ghostwriters fees for your business.


Even if you decide to have your own version of this software created, though I'm not quite sure you'll be able to get something similar to Content Infinity, it will cost you around $8,000... 


And I'm not kidding about this...


Just do a check on any freelance website and ask for a bid price for this kind of software...


The software is a complete package... There are more than 300,000 articles on our server that we update every week...


Content Infinity will constantly collect new information from this growing database and make sure that every time you do a search on a particular topic, you'll receive absolutely unique content


Due to this core feature (unique content)... Nobody is going to compete with each other for the same exact content in the search engines... 


Everyone is going to win something out in using this amazing tool...



"Ok Jonathan... You Talk Too Much...
Let's See What Other People Are Saying..."



"...this thing will be huge, 

the potential is fantastic..."


Hi Jonathan

When I first tried the demo version I was not over impressed, but I did feel that there was some potential so bearing in mind your eight week guarantee I decided to give it a go. 

I am very glad I did, this thing will be huge, the potential is fantastic, like all new software there are things that will need to be developed but I see that you are already looking into new features following feed back from your users.

If you are writing articles for your websites, I think this is going to be one of those must have pieces of software.

Ray Cummings


"...This will definitely be a big hit!"


Awesome work. Man, your software really kick ass. You are selling it way too low.

When I first saw your WSO, I downloaded the free demo and was really impressed with how easy it was to do the research.

I really look forward to be among the first beta testers of Content Infinity V2.0. This will definitely be a big hit!

David Moyer
Freelance Writer


"The Warrior Forum Is
Even Talking About It..."


" software comes near to the

simplicity and yet powerful tool.."


I have worked with several software and tools around the net to try to have fast unique content for my site and for distribution to articles directories but no software comes near to the simplicity and yet powerful tool to generate my own article like Content Infinity does.

Best Regards
Soli Katir 



Look, I'm not going to throw you some "crappy" bonuses like you use to see on hundreds of other Internet Marketing websites which are just trying to increase the value of their product...


Content Infinity is the REAL DEAL! No other software comes close to it!


I'm living proof that this software works and I'm using it every single day to build high quality theme-based websites, on any topics imaginable, on the fly. 


I don't feel like I need to bribe you in order for you to take advantage of this offer.


You have watched the videos. You read about the reviews from the customers. I even give you a FREE demo of the software to test it out.


Yes, CI is a unique tool and you know that you won't find something similar again.



"Free Premier Upgrades..."



Every 3 months, we are going to offer a new upgrade of the software. 


New features will be added constantly and thousands of articles will be added on the server to make this software the most cutting edge content creation tool ever!


And guess what...


You won't spend a dime! It's going to be absolutely FREE!



"Ok Sounds Great... But How Much Is It

Going To Cost Me, Jonathan?"



Look, I'm aware that there is nothing similar to this software on the market right now and there's no doubt about it that this tool will increase your productivity and also your online income.


The possibilities are endless when it comes to the uses of Content Infinity.


Remember, it is the most powerful tool in my marketing arsenal and earning me an average of $300 to $400 per day in adsense income.


The cost is only $97 INCLUDING free premier upgrades.


This low price is NOT going to last long. 


In fact, I'll raise the price to $147 for the next upgrade of this software in a few weeks. So I urge you to take action today!


Once Content Infinity V4.0 will be out, you will have to pay $147, that's $50 more than the present price.


And I'm making it...



100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free"

Money Back Guarantee!


I give you up to 8 weeks to test drive the full version of this software and if you believe that Content Infinity is not what I have promised so far, just ask for a refund.


No question asked and no hard feelings. I'll refund you the full price of what you paid for and you even keep the other 2 additional products.


It's that simple!




"Just Go Ahead and Do It!"



This is the time to take action. You have seen what you will get, you have read about my unconditional money-back guarantee and understand that this ridiculous price of $97 will be gone forever as soon as a new version of this amazing content creation software will be released.


So, go ahead and click that order link below...



Order Content Infinity Software



Minimum Requirements: 

128 RAM, 233 MHZ, 32MB Graphic Card, Sound Card, DirectX 8



To Your Online Success,



Jonathan Teng

Co-creator of Content Infinity

Internet Marketer




Vlad Cristian

Co-creator of Content Infinity

Genius Programmer



PS: A demo version is available. Only the "Create Article" part can be used up to 15 times and then expires. Other features are disabled. Just click below to download it:



Minimum Requirements: 

128 RAM, 233 MHZ, 32MB Graphic Card, Sound Card, DirectX 8



Order Content Infinity Software





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Legal Information: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. The examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Authors, contributors and resellers accept no responsibility for (the accuracy of, nor the information provided by) the authors or copyright holders of any product or manual contained within.